Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Change The Game Camapign

The TV show, The Game, that I work on is on the chopping block at The CW network. I got the actors of the show together and with Mara Brock Akil's blessing we put together a viral online campaign to try to help save the show. Please post on the CW message boards your concerns and opinions about the fate of The Game and help us try to change it into an hour long dramedy.

~Director Matthew "Mac" Cherry


  1. TAKE IT TO BET!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, JUST PUT IT BACK ON THE AIR!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hello Mr. Cherry. I sent you a few messages on Twitter (@talentdiva). I would love to give Mara Brock Akil an opportunity to come on my radio show on Blog Talk Radio to talk about her efforts and to have her as part of a feature article in my new magazine. I believe when you have a message you should take it to every forum that will grant you the opportunity to share your message. That said, I would love to be in touch with her. Could you send me an email or private message to let me know if this is possible. We need more color in tv and in power positions to make things happen.

    Adrienne Graham
